Sarah Jensen is leaning into her heart & energy.


episode 19

Nicola Newman

I finished 2020 with a cautious optimism about the new year ahead. Ready to close the door on that chapter of time, and turn the page over to a new start, new beginnings.

But the year didn’t really start how I’d wanted it to.

I felt burnt out after putting so much effort into surviving lockdown, both physically and mentally exhausted — definitely not ready to jump in full speed ahead.

A few weeks into the year, I came across a podcast episode by Sarah Jensen about starting off the year slowly, gently, leaving behind the normal goal-kicking pressures that come with a new year.

That’s exactly what I needed to hear in that moment.

I started giving myself permission to operate from a slower, gentler, more compassionate place, taking things at the pace I needed to, and working within my capacity on a given day.

And what a difference that made — I felt so much more joyful in my work.

I loved Sarah’s words so much that I invited her to come on my podcast as a guest, and I’m so excited to share our conversation with you.

This episode is for you if you need an extra dose of self-compassion and gentleness right now, as I certainly have this week. It’s also for you if you’re considering a new direction in your life, desire to show up in the world as your true self, or aren’t sure how to deal with your emotions in a loving, kind way.

Sarah is a true heart healer, and in our conversation, we discuss the key stories and emotions each of us carries, how we can sit with them as our whole selves, and how to gather information from those stories and emotions we hold.

In this episode you’ll also learn about:

  • the places you look to feel like you’re “enough”

  • leaning into yourself for feedback, paying attention to what your body tells you, and understanding what really needs to shift in your heart

  • following the breadcrumbs, or the consistent patterns that keep coming up in your life

  • loving the parts of yourself that need love

  • how to have a conversation with all the parts of yourself when you feel triggered or afraid, and connecting with those parts to cultivate self-trust

  • seeing our emotions as informative, nothing something we need to “fix”

  • showing up as your full self, and not holding yourself responsible for how someone else reacts to you being you

Such a beautiful, natural, free-flowing conversation that caused me to pause and reflect this week about what information the emotions and situations in my life right now are giving me.


Sarah Jensen is a Heart Healer who helps big-hearted humans connect with their inner wisdom and magic through energy healing, intuitive coaching and soul-fuelled journaling. She's also the creator of the Pay It Forward Program, and she’s on a mission to positively empower a million people around the globe through journaling and kindness. Sarah’s a stationery loving snail mail enthusiast and self-confessed dork whose eyes scrunch up like happy little rainbows every time she smiles.


Human Design Profile
Journal prompt from Sarah — where am I focusing more on quantity over quality? What is quality to me? What would need to happen right now to allow myself to live in a state of quality, over quantity?



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