terra incognita.


episode 20

Nicola Newman

I love maps.

I know, I’m a massive nerd. And I’m okay with that.

I’ve always loved studying maps; imagining what the places I could only see on ink and paper looked like in real life.

I’d picture towns, the people who lived there, and create images of grand mountains, forests, and oceans in my mind.

I love what maps represent, where they lead, the possibilities they allow you to imagine.

Maps remind me that I'm an explorer at heart. I’ve got an adventurous, imaginative spirit. I love meeting new people, seeing new places, and breathing in open spaces.

I’ve realised in the last few months how beautiful and valuable this part of me is – and it’s the part of me I want to say yes to.

I came across the Latin phrase terra incognita a few weeks ago, which means “unknown land.”

I knew right away this phrase described the next path I'm about to take.

I’m setting out to places and spaces unknown to me, on a new adventure that is completely unmapped.

It's exciting, a little scary – and I can't wait to see what lies ahead!

To find out more about what I’m doing, check out the latest episode of in between.

I also share a few words of encouragement, if you’re pondering paths unknown in your own life.

You have this one precious life to live, will you say yes to it?




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