you can do this.

you can do this.

Excuse #5 - The Belief Excuse

From “I can’t do this” to “I CAN do this.”

Sounds like:
I don’t believe I can do this.
I don’t believe what I want is possible.
I don't believe I can do this because of a physical, mental, or financial blocker.
I don’t believe I have what it takes.

What’s your relationship to possibility?

Do you believe — truly — that you can have the things you want? That you can make your dreams happen?

Take a minute to really think about that and answer the question honestly.

If you don’t, why not?

The excuses you make, the ones that keep you from taking action — they’re connected to the mindset you keep around your self-belief.

I thought that to start a business I had to learn how to create a vision statement, build a website, promote my brand, find customers, write copy, pay taxes, and set up financials.

Do you know what you really need to start a business, or to take a leap of any kind?

Your mindset. Your belief in yourself.

Your mindset is key. It unlocks all the possibility within yourself.

It’s no small task to override your thought process. Especially because most of us are walking around with mental patterns we’ve carried since childhood.

Retraining your brain takes time and patience.

While the past few months were not easy, I’m grateful for the gift of time and space I had to really hone in on my mindset.

Every situation I faced this year provided a rich teaching ground for me to identify what negative or limiting beliefs I had about myself, and to make a choice: is this a thought I want to continue believing about myself, or is it an unhelpful, unproductive, untrue thought that I’m going to leave right now?

You can make the same choice.

Improving your mindset and your daily thoughts is hard. But it’s so worth it. Stick with it, create a daily practice, and you’ll start to see change.

Mindset is a massive topic, and there’s so much to unpack, but what I want to share today are a few simple things I’ve put into practice this year that have helped me.

Creating a practice to improve your mindset and break down your excuses:
1- Intention
Be intentional about your mindset. Get specific; set aside a time and space to write, meditate, read, or walk. Doesn’t need to be a long time, even 15, 20 minutes is great. The idea is to clear mental space for yourself so that you can learn to hear your own authentic voice underneath all the clutter.

2- Grace
You’re not perfect, that’s okay. Give yourself grace on the days and moments when you come short. You will not fail; you’ll only learn. Some days might be easier, some might be harder. Again, it’s not a quick, easy journey. Give yourself permission to take as long as you need. Be patient with yourself. And don’t forget to celebrate any and all steps you take.

3- Consistency
Here’s a secret: limiting beliefs and critical thoughts often don’t fully disappear. The more you practice, the better you get at identifying them. You learn what works for you to replace negative, false beliefs with true ones. Create a consistent, daily practice where you give yourself space to pause and address a limiting belief when it arises.

4- Commitment
When you commit, your brain starts finding a way to make it happen. You are the best investment you can make. If something is important enough to you, you’ll find a way to make it happen. Don’t give up. Keep showing up. You are WORTH it.

Check out my blog to read about all the common excuses that can keep you from your dreams:
#1 - the Fear Excuse
#2 - the Enough Excuse
#3 - the Right Time Excuse
#4 - the How Excuse
#5 - the Belief Excuse

🎧 I’m launching a podcast! Subscribe on Apple or Spotify, and head over to my podcast page to read more.


you can figure this out.