you can start right now.
The Right Time Excuse
From “I can’t start now” to “I can start right now.”
Sounds like: “I need to wait until….”
I have more years of experience.
I’ve achieved a certain level of success.
My kids are older.
I have more money.
My life settles down.
I have clarity on what I’m doing.
I feel ready.
Things feel normal.
I gotta break it to ya — the “right time” is elusive. You won’t find it.
Yet it’s the darling of excuses.
Somehow, we think that time trumps everything. If the time isn’t right, well then, that’s it. Not gonna happen. No questions asked.
I’m here to tell you: now’s the best time you got. It’s the only time that’s guaranteed.
Now is the time to start making your dream happen and share your gifts with the world.
“I’ll start next month” becomes “next year” which becomes “in 2 years” and then “one day." Notice how time becomes more generic the more you use this excuse?
Time is sneaky that way. You can be very specific with it — or completely vague and open-ended.
When it comes to taking the first step, you need to get specific.
2020 is the year I turned my “I have to wait until I’m ready” excuse into “I’m starting this now.”
Prior to this year, my fav lines were: “I have to wait to start a business until I have more money; I should work longer as a designer first; I’ll wait until I actually get more clarity around what I want to do.”
These excuses seem SO valid when you make them. Seems perfectly logical that you’d need to wait until you have more money, or more experience, or a clear plan.
I thought I had to wait to start doing the things that are actually bringing me more joy and fulfilment than any job I’ve ever worked.
I wonder — why did I wait so long?
now’s the best time you got.
it’s the only time that’s guaranteed.
I started my business this year, before I had the money, experience, or clarity I thought I needed. I started before I truly felt ready.
And getting started gave me momentum and clarity.
Honestly, I don’t have the whole plan mapped out. I’m figuring it out as I go. I evolve and pivot nearly every week. It’s not perfect. In fact, most days, it's messy.
I bust this myth of waiting until I feel ready to start by literally just starting.
So, you just gotta start. Right where you are. Don’t be precious. It doesn’t have to be perfect or pretty. In fact, the more imperfect and messy, the better.
Stop thinking so much, and just take a step. You’ll discover that you gain the courage and clarity you thought you needed to get started.
Break down the Right Time Excuse by asking yourself these questions:
1- When I picture future me, 10, 20 years down the road — does she regret not taking action?
2- Get real with yourself: what’s one thing you actually need to take a step toward your dream right now? Not what you think you need when you make excuses, but what you truly need. And if it feels scary, then you know you’re on the right track.
3- What can you commit, in the next week, to take one step forward? Setting aside time out of your day? Investing in yourself financially? Asking a friend to hold you accountable? Sending a message to someone you don’t know? Write that action down, and do it!
You can do this x
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