
I’m Heather Ashley Baker.

A creative entrepreneur, designer, and lover of authentic conversations. I’m a lifelong dreamer, curious creative, and action-taker, as my unconventional path shows: I’ve performed, directed high school theatre, changed careers 4 times, and am a Minnesota girl creating a brave new life in Australia amidst this in between season called 30-something. Fresh from a 12 year career in graphic and user experience design, I started my online business after losing my job during the pandemic in 2020. I love connecting through conversation and community — through my own podcast, IN BETWEEN, and with other heart-led creatives like you!

topics I can discuss

  • Why you should dream big, and how to make those dreams happen (and remove the “how should I start” blocker) by taking small, intentional actions consistently

  • How to design your dream life by getting clear on the life you want to live, knowing your why, and discovering your unique combination of experiences, skills, and what lights you up

  • My path as a multi-passionate creative through a 12 year design career working unfulfilling jobs and the events that prompted my leap from 9-5 into full time solo entrepreneurship

  • Living life and showing up in business as a creative, heart-led person with self-love, intuition, and authenticity

  • What I’ve learned about resilience, patience, taking risks, and managing fear of the unknown from my personal experiences: moving to Australia, starting over and finding a new path after divorce, creating my business during the pandemic after losing my job and leaving behind the 9-5

possible questions

  • What held you back you from pursuing your creative dreams for so many years?

  • What was the turning point for you that caused you to finally start chasing your dreams?

  • How do you combine all the things you love, and are good at, to design the kind of life you want?

  • What are the biggest struggles and what are you learning in your entrepreneurial life so far?

  • How do you manage your inner critic and cultivate self-trust and love throughout the creative process?

  • What practical tips, processes, or wisdom can you give to someone who’s at the start of a new path?

  • How do you a take a big, undefined, vague dream or idea, and turn it into something that feels doable, more clear?

  • What have the challenges you’ve faced in the past few years taught you about yourself?

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Check out the podcast I host, IN BETWEEN, and other podcasts I’m featured on.