diversity & inclusion
I’m committed to diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism in my work and my business.
For me, this means:
— celebrating diverse voices and perspectives
— creating a safe place for women to be heard, and to share their stories vulnerably
— listening to, sharing, and amplifying voices of all races, gender identities, sexualities, abilities,
and backgrounds
— being open and honest about where I’m at in this journey, I’m not perfect, I’m a work in progress, but I’m willing and open to learn
— maintaining an attitude of curiosity and openness
— continuing to educate myself, doing the internal and external work required to understand systemic racism and fight against discrimination
— carrying out the work I do - whether it be coaching, writing, storytelling, design, or speaking - with respect, and using any skills, gifts, or influence I may have to bring awareness to those whose stories need to be told
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.